Major minor's major move 1 a) What do you think makes a 'good' manager? b) Can you train someone to be a good manager? Explain your view. c) Do you think Jackie Kiernan of Marks and Spencer would agree with you? Explain your answer. 2 What are the arguments for and against going straight into a job, rather than attending a university? 3 a) List the skills and attributes which you think you would need for a management job in the service sector. b) As a group, arrange for the personnel officer or human resource manager of a local organisation to give a talk to your class. Ask him or her to: i) outline the personal qualities they seek in employees ii) explain how important these qualities are compared with academic qualifications iii) indicate how schools and colleges could help meet the requirements of the employer. c) After the talk, discuss which points surprised you and which you expected the speaker to make.